How Your Digital Marketing Stacks Up: Location-Based Marketing Benchmarked

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Location-based marketing is a rapidly evolving practice.
Investment in geotargeted ads is growing at 40 percent, making it one of the fastest growing areas of digital marketing. Despite its widespread use and growing adoption during COVID, there has been no authoritative report benchmarking location-based marketing metrics and best practices -- until now.
Join Localogy and Reveal Mobile for a ground-breaking, data-rich view into how digital marketers use geofencing and run location-based marketing at agencies and brands across the United States. Just a few of the insights we'll share:
• Top performing CTA for geotargeted ads.
• How COVID-19 has affected investment in location-based marketing.
• Real-world geofencing and geotargeting case studies.
Join us to benchmark your own geotargeting efforts, see where you're overperforming and find areas where you can improve.